A globally practicing architect. This is a collection of my work and projects.

    I have 10+ years of professional experience designing buildings and spaces, and working at renowned international design firms including Grimshaw Architects, Rockwell Group and Leeser Architecture. Those projects developed with other offices are displayed here as noted. I most recently joined Grimshaw in 2016 to lead the base building design and coordination for the Sustainability Pavilion for Expo 2020 Dubai.

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A New Urban Representation


A New Urban Representation

Chicago’s former federal courthouse seen here (above) in the foreground is being replaced by the Mies federal courthouse building in the background, c. 1965. The image marks a shift in the representation of the institution from a semantic historical reading to the organizational prominence of the Mies abstracted slab. The image suggests that organization had superseded and replaced representation. This thesis calls for another institutional shift bringing representation back to the discussion.